Website not showing secure?

When a website shows as “Not secure,” it means that the connection between the user’s web browser and the website is not encrypted, As a result, any data you enter on the website, including passwords, credit card numbers, and personal data, may be intercepted by a third party.

Usually, the address bar in your computer browser will show you whether a website is secure. The address will normally begin with “https” rather than “HTTP” before the domain name if the website is secure. “S” stands for “secure,” thus.

Here are some common reason why a website might show as “Not Secure”:

  1. No SSL/TLS Certificate: Website that don’t have an SSL(Secure Socket Layer) or TLS(Transport Layer Security) certificate installed will be marked as “Not Secure.” SSL/TLS certificate encrypt the data transferred between the user’s browser and the website’s server.
  2. Mixed Content: If a website servers a mix of secure(HTTPS) and non-secure(HTTP) content, browser may display a “Not Secure” warning. This can happen when images, scripts or other resources are loaded via HTTP on an HTTP page.
  3. Expired Certificate: If the SSL/TLS certificate has expired, browser will display a “Not Secure” warning, as the certificate is no longer valid.
  4. Incorrect Certificate Setup:If the certificate is not properly configured, browsers may flag the website as “Not Secure.” This can happen if the certificate isn’t properly installed or if there’s a mismatch between the certificate and the website’s domain.
  5. Insecure Form Elements: If a web page includes form elements (like login or contact forms) on an HTTP page, browsers may display a warning. This is because data submitted through these forms can be intercepted by attackers.
  6. Browser Updates: Browsers periodically update their security protocols and requirements. If a website doesn’t meet the updated security standards, it might trigger a “Not Secure” warning.
  7. Public Wi-Fi: When users access a website over public Wi-Fi networks, browsers may display a warning because these networks are often less secure and susceptible to various attacks.

To address the “Not Secure” warning, website owners should consider the following steps:

  1. Install an SSL/TLS Certificate: Obtain and install an SSL/TLS certificate from a reputable certificate authority. This will enable HTTPS encryption for your website.
  2. Update Internal Links and Resources: Ensure that all resources, including images, scripts, and stylesheets, are loaded via HTTPS. This prevents mixed content warnings.
  3. Configure Redirects: Set up proper HTTP to HTTPS redirects so that all users are automatically directed to the secure version of your website.
  4. Use Secure Forms: Ensure that any forms on your website, especially login and payment forms, are served over HTTPS to protect user data.
  5. Regularly Update Software: Keep your web server, content management system (CMS), and plugins up to date to address security vulnerabilities.

By taking these steps, you can improve the security of your website and provide a safer browsing experience for your users.

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